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Welcome to the official Miss Crittenden County Fair Pageant page! If you are looking for information on any of the pageants, click the specific pageant you are seeking information on above, and it will take you to a PDF with everything you need! 


This year we will not be accepting any paperwork or payments ahead of time, but we do ask that you have all of the paperwork finished before arriving at registration. 


We ask that you PLEASE read through the information entirely before asking questions. 


The "Local" buttons indicate only residents or students of Crittenden County can compete in that division. 


The "State" Buttons indicate you may be from anywhere in Kentucky and compete in that division.


Ms./Mrs. division winner now will go on to the state level and competitors can be from anywhere in Kentucky. Please read the rule sheet for more information. 


This year we will NOT be having the state or local Little Miss and Mister pageants.


The Crittenden County Lions Club Fair Board is NOT responsible if the state preteen, teen, miss or Ms./Mrs. division pageants do not take place due to COVID-19 or any other unforeseen circumstance. 

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